e Mattachine Society

Award of Merit

La prosoła) la

Church of England Moral Welfare Council


or active promotion of individaal freedom and education in the human community,

The Mattachine Society

Member of the Year: Award:

is presented to

D. Stewart Lucas

For exemplary and distinctive service tu the Society meriting the emidation

of  ́all ́members.


In the Nume of

The Maitachine Society



Les Inquies California,

Camming Tiny May 18.10.20


New York

Alpha Chapter #122

tachine Review,

manager named Nem-

TWO AWARDS presented by the Mat| Lucas, business manager of Mattachine Society at its May 1956 3rd Annual Convention are shown Church of England Moral above. Welfare Council received one of three awards of merit. D. S.

ber of the Year. On the page opposite is shown the chapter charter presented to New York at the Convention.

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AWARDS OF MERIT (Continued from page 4) Conventions. The chapter charters are likewise on parchment paper,1inscribed with the name, number and location of the chapter, and signed and sealed in the name of the Society

Reproduced here are copies of the award of merit to the Church of England Moral Welfare Council, the member of the year citation for D. S. Lucas and the chapter charter for New York City —'all of which were issued in May, 1956. No chapters of the Mattachine Society officially exist until granted (a) a temporary or provisional charter, followed by (b) an official charter issued at the next General Convention.



mattachine REVIEW

help mounted for the Command Condo by the Board of Ch Any of

May 1930 Ney

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